
Shiatsu for well-being…

  • A deeply relaxing experience that can help to calm the mind and can be effective in releasing muscular tension.
  • By applying pressure to energy points, the flow of energy is restored; Shiatsu practitioners facilitate this change.
  • The body then begins to repair itself and all major systems begin to improve.
  • The receiver of Shiatsu begins to feel more empowered and more responsible for small changes, so, over time, the body feels rejuvenated, calmer and more energised.
  • People who realise the importance of positive change seek Shiatsu as a frame work to help themselves make changes in their lives.
  • Regular Shiatsu treatments can result in improved mobilty and posture.
  • What if life is meant to be more than this?
  • What would your life look like if you could discard limitations?
  • If you’re ready to experience a gentle treatment conducted with positivity and occasional laughter, you’ve come to the right place. Lets work together to enable happy changes.
  • What else is possible?

A course of treatment will be more effective if received at regular weekly intervals. The number of sessions required varies with each person. Shiatsu is complementary to conventional medicine and greatly enhances the healing process. It makes sense to use the best from conventional medicine as well as physical therapy. That way you can benefit from a broader range of healthcare that focuses on your unique needs. After a course of treatment, many people go on to a regular appointment to maintain their optimum health and vitality.

One can feel rather sleepy afterwards due to the deep relaxation. It is recommended that you drink extra glasses of water the same day and a few days thereafter, as energy has been stimulated in your body. Dreams can be more vivid and helpful to your understanding. Sometimes emotions arise for releasing…

What Does A Treatment Session Cost?

Each appointment lasts an hour and costs £45

If a block booking of 3 appointments are made, then the total is £120 which is a saving to you of £15.

Complementary treatments such as Shiatsu, Reflexology and Reiki do not create dependency…
After a course of treatment your body and spirit are strengthened from within, enabling you to be more centered and confident in living life.

It is very beneficial to follow up with a session, say every 3 or 4 weeks, to keep your life at a high level of energy and to prevent further problems re/occurring.

Christina’s Shiatsu has a policy of continuous improvement so all clients are asked for feedback after a number of treatments. We do value all comments and use them to improve our services and the clients experience.

Have you checked with your family doctor for your ailments?

  • This should be your first check-up – your doctor is there to help you and has available many tests for diagnosis.
  • Are you getting enough fresh air every day? You’d be amazed by how much a daily walk can sparkle up your life!
  • Are your drinking enough plain water? I’m not saying abandon tea & coffee altogether, but do remember to drink plenty of water in between mealtimes.
  • Are you eating some raw fruit and veg every day? Remember, 5 portions are the recommended minimum (or is it now up to 7 at the latest?).
  • Beat those winter blues – yes, get out on a walk whenever you can in the middle of the day to receive the sun on your face (OK… weather permitting!)

About Your Shiatsu Therapist…

Christina Patient (now Christina Auchinachie) MRSS (member of the Register of Shiatsu Society), Dip. British Shiatsu Association, qualifying in 1994.

Reiki Master in 1999.

Reflexology training completed in 2009, member of British Reflexology Association.[]( “British Reflex Assoc”)

2011 – Completed training in Raindrop Technique, using Young Living organic aromatherapy oils.

Christina occasionally teaches Reiki healing skills in classes. She has an active interest in developing spiritual awareness and self-responsibility, usually with some humour!

Vision Feng Shui This is energy flow and awareness in your living and /or working environment for optimum well-being in life. Trained with Peter Auchinachie 2004 – 2016 in traditional Feng Shui and now continues with Lynda and Stephen Kane in Vision Feng Shui 2019 - 2022

Christina follows the Shendo path of Energy Awareness taught by Lynda and Stephen Kane.